HEM Monthly Activity Reports
HEM Annual Activity Reports
2021 HEM Annual Activity Report
HEM is pleased to present its 2021 Activity Report. The report provides a good review of the achievements during a most difficult year. This year's report is special and unique as it includes further updated descriptions of HEM's projects and initiatives, but also illustrates through the use of images, the results that have been achieved. Included are sources of incomes and areas of expenses for 2021.
Please click the button to the right to download a copy of the 2021 HEM Activity Report.

2020 HEM Annual Activity Report
HEM is pleased to present its 2020 Activity Report. The report provides a good overview of the structure and operations of Hope for Eternity Ministry. The report contains a description of the work carried out during the year, as well as the many milestones and achievements realized, specifically in relation to planned priorities and goals. Included is its budget of incomes and expenses for 2021.
Please click the area right to download a copy of the 46 page 2020 HEM Activity Report.

2019 HEM Annual Activity Report
HEM is pleased to present its 2019 Activity Report. The report contains a description of the work carried out during the year, as well as the many milestones and achievements realized. It also contains the plans and goals for 2020 as well as the challenges and opportunities before us.
Please click the area right to download a copy of the 26 page 2019 HEM Activity Report.

HEM Achievements 2013-2019 are Below